Check out my dear friend, Yogi Mojie as she shifts into Spring and battles cancer
Are you feeling Springy? No? Maybe?
It maybe hard to feel springy when we just weathered one of the coldest winters ever, and it snowed on April 2, but Spring is coming. Pattabhi Jois, the great yoga Guru said: “ Practice and all is coming.” While Spring is a time of rebirth and transition, you maybe feeling stuck or anxious and still thawing out from our beautiful but long winter. It may be hard to shift out ot the winter hibernation, to shed your layers and have access to your vivacious energy and vitality. But just like yoga, we have to create practices that will help us make space to transition into a new season. Shifting from winter to spring, physically and energetically will help us to refresh our bodies, homes, schedules and set intentions to ease into the season of rebirth.
Here are 5 of my favorite practices that I use to shift into Spring!
1. GET OUTSIDE- This is the easiest way to shift your energy. Step outside for short or long walks and take deep breaths. Invite fresh air into your body and soothe your mind. Spend some time in silence out in nature and close your eyes and listen for the birds and the sounds of Spring.
2. BRING SPRING IN - Find ways to bring Spring indoors to you. Essential oils are great for soothing the senses. Use some of your favorite Spring scents like, lavender, and orange and spray your home, curtains and linens. Adorn yourself with color: change out your pillows and tablecloths and bring out favorite colorful patterned clothing. Place colorful flowers in beautiful vases around your home and even at work at your desk.
3. LET GO!- Practice Aparigraha or letting go by decluttering you home, care, and office space. Bring out your Spring wardrobe and donate everything that no longer lights you up! Keep only what makes your energy go up! Try something new like a hair cut. I am loving mine! This is also a great time to assess how you spend your time and energy. Review your commitments; notice how you are spending your time to see what you value and what serves you.
4. RADICAL SELF CARE! Feel better by taking care of your body- Visit your Chiropractor and get an adjustment; Get Acupuncture and prepare your body to transition energetically and stay ahead of the allergies that comes with the flowers. Get a massage -Treat yourself to some good body work as this is one of the best self care tool.
5. PRACTICE YOGA - To me the most important step to shifting into Spring is to Practice more of the 8- fold path of yoga. Now is the best time to recommit to your practice. Our theme this month at CHY is Pranayama, or breathing. Perfect timing to breathe new life into your practice. Join our newer pilates classes and strengthen your core and get ready for bathing suit season!
Inhale the new and Exhale the old!