“In any and all circumstances, I have learned the secret to being content”

(Philippians 4:11-12).

 Philippians 4:11 is one of my favorite verses.  The Apostle Paul knew very well the full range of the human experience and his life demonstrated grace learned over time.

“Happiness” is the experience of contentment and it is actually a daily and spiritual discipline  which is necessary to thrive in life.  

Looking back at 2022 and with my 60th turn around the planet,  having experienced the highest highs and the lowest of lows.  i witnessed  the birth of my granddaughter and  the loss of several  close family members; the suffering of others through covid, natural disasters and political unrest.    More than ever, I am aware of the importance of making contentment a daily practice just like my daily habits which lead me to a happy and healthy life.  

Here is how I make small Kaizen steps daily in my contentment practice:

 I practice distinguishing between wants and needs

I focus on feeling the enoughness of the abundance of the present moment

I receive and enjoy  the love that is in the room

I focus on what I already have 

I remember that various ways in which I am SUPPORTED.

Studies reveal that forty-percent of our happiness is based on something else. That something else are your daily choices. My wish for you in 2023 is that you will grow in contentment by choosing to make it a daily practice which will become your go to habit so that you can settle into a year of warm, peaceful contentment.

Love and blessings!